Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hunger Games

            The top seller books, The Hunger Games, is going to become a new movie on (the big screen) March 23rd. The movie i believe is about only the first book, The Hunger Games, and not the others; yet.
           The book is about a girl named Katniss and her sister gets picked for the Hunger Games, but she volunteers and she becomes the girl tribute for Hunger Games. The boy tribute, Peeta, is madly in love with her and the adventure in The Hunger Games becomes more interesting as their peers discover their spectacular love for one another! But when Peeta told the crowd of people in the Capitol she thought he was lying to them but he was telling the truth and she went along with it because Haymitch told her that he did it so they'd get more patrons for the games but he lied to them both!!!
            So eventually the two meet back up in the Hunger Games after being separated for awhile and then the cave scene!!! OH THAT CAVE SCENE WHERE SHE TELLS HIM SHE LOVES HIM BUT LIES WHILE TELLING THE TRUTH! I MEAN SHE LOVED HIM AND DIDN'T KNOW IT BUT THOUGHT SHE WAS LYING WHEN SHE SAID SO!!!!!
           Then finally they both win the games by trying to commit suicide together so yeah they won!!!!!!  

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