Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smart people dream in HD color and us regular folks black and white!

  Researches make claims "only smart people are able to dream in color and those of us beneath them are only allowed black and white if we are permitted to even remember the dream at all. Sleep centers testing some 2,000 people of which only a few could remember their dreams."
   I don't get this. Some say the higher the intellectual development of a man, the more he dreams. Studied in detail the nature of sleep, scientists have concluded that the dreams in which are seen in color are from people who are more developed mentally. Smart people dream in HD color and regular people dream black and white or can not remember their dreams at all!
  So, is everybody just really dumb(no offense)? I don't think almost 2,000 could be the same and forget there dreams.Seems they are trying to tell us that if we are not dreaming in color so we should feel less about ourselves as we are stupid and worthless.I must be a genius then. Who knew?